Questionnaire survey on SAFEA website revision



We would be grateful if you could spare some time to answer the questions below and give us suggestions on the State Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs website.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.


1.Do you find it easy to get the information you want on the website?

2.Did the website give you enough information about its services?

3.What information you most want to see on the website?

4.Do you think the website is helpful for living and working in China?

5.Do you think the website is interactive?

6.Which aspect of the website needs improvement?

7.Which background color do you think is best for the website?

8.Which page style do you like?

9.Which content do you think should be added or deleted? Do you have any other specific suggestions?
10.Age group


12.Education level


14.If you are a foreign expert, how long did you work in China

15.How frequently do you use the website